The word neter and its meaning.
To the great and supreme power which made the earth, the heavens, the sea, the sky, men and women, animals, birds, and creeping things, all that is and all that shall be, the Egyptians gave the name neter. This word survives in the Coptic ###, but both in the ancient language and in its younger relative the exact meaning of the word is lost. M. Pierret,[2] following de Rougé, connects it with the word ### and says that it means "renovation" (renouvellement), but Brugsch[3] renders it by "göttlich," "heilig," "divin," "sacré," and by three Arabic words which mean "divine," "sacred or set apart," and "holy" respectively. By a quotation from the stele of Canopus he shows that in Ptolemaic times it meant "holy" or "sacred" when applied to the animals of the gods. Mr. Renouf[4] says that "the notion expressed by nutar as a noun, and nutra as an adjective or verb, must be sought in the Coptic ###, which in the translation of the Bible corresponds to the Greek words {Greek du'namis, i?sxu's, i?sxuro's, i?sxupo'w} 'power,' 'force,' 'strong,' 'fortify,' 'protect,'"[5] and he goes on to show that the word neter means "strong" or "mighty." M. Maspero, however, thinks that the Coptic nomti has nothing in common with meter, the Egyptian word for God, and that the passages quoted by Mr. Renouf in support of his theory can be otherwise explained.[6] His own opinion is that the signification "strong," if it ever existed, is a derived and not an original meaning, and he believes that the word is
[1. Several examples of the different ways in which the word is spelt are given by Maspero, Notes sur différent point de Grammaire (in Mélanges d'Archéologie, t. ii., Paris, 1873, p. 140).
2. Pierret, Essai sur la Mythologie Égyptienne, Paris, 1879, p. 8.
3. Wörterbuch, p. 825.
4. Hibbert Lectures, p. 95.
5. A number of examples are given in Tatham, Lexicon, Oxford, 1835, pp. 310 806.
6 La Mythologie Égyptienne, t. ii., p. 215.]
{p. lxxxiii}
so old that its first sense is unknown to us. The fact that the Coptic translators of the Bible used the word nouti to express the name of the Supreme Being shows that no other word conveyed to their minds their conception of Him, and supports M. Maspero's views on this point. Another definition of the word given by Brugsch makes it to mean "the active power which produces and creates things in regular recurrence; which bestows new life upon them, and gives back to them their youthful vigour,"[1] and he adds that the innate conception of the word completely covers the original meaning of the Greek {Greek fu'sis} and the Latin natura.
Neteru, the gods.
But side by side with neter, whatever it may mean, we have mentioned in texts of all ages a number of beings called neteru which Egyptologists universally translate by the word "gods." Among these must be included the great cosmic powers and the beings who, although held to be supernatural, were yet finite and mortal, and were endowed by the Egyptians with love, hatred, and passions of every sort and kind. The difference between the conceptions of neter the one supreme God and the neteru is best shown by an appeal to Egyptian texts.
In the pyramid of Unas it is said to the deceased,
un-k ar kes neter
Thou existest at the side of God.[3]
In the pyramid of Teta it is said of the deceased,
ut'a-f met neter as set'em-nef metu
He weigheth words, and, behold, God hearkeneth unto the words.[3]
nas en Teta neter
God hath called Teta[4] (in his name, etc.).
[1. Die thätige Kraft, welche in periodischer Wiederkehr die Dinge erzeugt und erschafft, ihnen neues Leben verleiht und die Jugendfrische zurückgiebt." Religion und Mythologie, p. 93.
2. Maspero, Recueil de Travaux, t. iii., p. 202 (l. 209).
3. Ibid., t. v., 27 (ll. 231, 232).
4. Ibid., p. 26 (l. 223).]
{p. lxxxiv}
Views held in the first six dynasties.
In the pyramid of Pepi I. an address to the deceased king says,
sesep-nek aru neter aaa-k am xer neteru
Thou hast received the form of God, thou hast become great therewith before the gods.[1]
ta en mut-k Nut un-nek em neter en xeft-k em ren-k en nefer
Hath placed thy mother Nut thee to be as God to thine enemy in thy name of God.[2]
tua Pepi pen neter
Adoreth this Pepi God.[3]
Pepi pu ar neter sa neter
Pepi this is then God, the son of God.[4]
All these extracts are from texts of the Vth and VIth dynasties. It may be urged that we might as well translate neter by "a god" or "the god," but other evidence of the conception of neter at that early date is afforded by the following passages from the Prisse papyrus,[5] which, although belonging at the earliest to he XIth dynasty, contains copies of the Precepts of Kaqemna, written in the reign of Seneferu, a king of the IVth dynasty, and the Precepts of Ptah-hetep, written during the reign of Assa, a king of the Vth dynasty.[6]
[1. Recueil de Travaux, t. v., p. 160 (l. 19).
2. Ibid., p. 162 (l. 33).
3. Ibid., p. 191 (l. 185).
4. Ibid., t. viii., p. 89 (l. 574).
5. See Fac-simile d'un papyrus Égyptien en caractères hiératiques, trouvé à Thèbes, donné à la Bibliothèque royale de Paris et publié par E. Prisse d'Avennes, Paris, 1847, fol. The last translation of the complete work is by Virey, Études sur le Papyrus Prisse, Paris, 1887.
6. M. Amélineau thinks (La Morale Égyptienne, p. xi.) that the Prisse papyrus was copied about the period of the XVIIth dynasty and that the works in it only date from the XIIth dynasty; but many Egyptologists assign the composition of the work to the age of Assa. See Wiedemann, Aegyptische Geschichte, p. 201; Petrie, History of Egypt, p. 81.]
{p. lxxxv}
Views held in the first six dynasties.
1. an rex-entu xepert arit neter
Not known are the things which will do God.[1]
2. am-k ari her em reth xesef neter
Thou shalt not cause terror in men and women, [for] is opposed God [thereto].[2]
3. au am ta xer sexer neter
The eating of bread is according to the plan of God.[3]
4. ar seka-nek ter em sexet ta set neter
If thou art a farmer, labour (?) in the field which hath given God [to thee].[4]
5. ar un-nek em sa aqer ari-k sa en smam neter
If thou wouldst be like a wise man, make thou [thy] son to be pleasing unto God.[5]
6. sehetep aqu-k em xepert nek xepert en
Satisfy those who depend on thee, so far as it may be done by thee; it should be done by
hesesu neter
those favoured of God.[6]
[1. Plate ii., l. 2.
2. Plate iv., line 8.
3. Plate vii., l. 2.
4 Plate vii., l. 5.
5. Plate vii., l. 11.
6. Plate xi., l. 1.]
{p. lxxxvi}
Views held in the first six dynasties.
7. If, having been of no account, thou hast become great, and if, having been poor, thou hast become rich, when thou art governor of the city be not hard-hearted on account of thy advancement, because
xeper-nek mer septu neter
thou hast become the guardian of the provisions of God.[1]
8. mertu neter pu setem an setem en mesetu neter
What is loved of God is obedience; disobedience hateth God.[2]
9. mak sa nefer en tata neter
Verily a good son is of the gifts of God.[3]
Passing from the Prisse papyrus, our next source of information is the famous papyrus[4] containing the "Maxims of Ani," which are well known through the labours of de Rougé,[5] Maspero,[6] Chabas[7] and Amélineau.[8] We should speak of them, however, more correctly as the Maxims of Khonsu-hetep.[9] The papyrus
[1. Plate xiii., l. 8.
2. Plate xvi., l. 7.
3. Plate xix., l. 6.
4. It was found in a box laid upon the floor of the tomb of a Christian monk at Dêr el-Medinet, The text was given by Mariette in Papyrus Égyptiens du Musée de Boulaq, publiés en fac-simile sous les auspices de S.A. Ismaïl-Pacha, Khédive d'Égypte.
5. In the Moniteur, 15 Août, 1861; and in Comptes Rendus des séances de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres, Paris, 1871, pp. 340-50.
6. In the Journal de Paris, 15 Mars, 1871; and in the Academy, Aug. 1, No. 29, p. 386, 1871.
7. L'Égyptologie, Série I., tt. i., ii., Chalons-sur-Saône and Paris, 40., 1876-78. This work contains the hieratic text divided into sections for analysis, and accompanied by a hieroglyphic transcript, commentary, etc.
8. La Morale Égyptienne quinze siècles avant notre ère--Étude sur le Papyrus de Boulaq, No. 4, Paris, 1892. This work contains a more accurate hieroglyphic transcript of the hieratic text, full translation, etc.
9. Maspero, Lectures Historiques, p. 16; Amélineau, op. cit., p. ix.]
{p. lxxxvii}
Views held in the XVIIIth dynasty.
was probably copied about the XXIInd dynasty; but the work itself may date from the XVIIIth. The following are examples of the use of neter:--
1. Pa neter er seaaaua ren-f
The God is for magnifying his name.[1]
2. xennu en neter betu-tuf pu sehebu senemehu-nek
The house of God what it hates is much speaking. Pray thou
em ab mert au metet-f nebt amennu ari-f
with a loving heart the petitions of which all are in secret. He will do
xeru-tuk setemu-f a t'et-tuk sesep utennu tu-k
thy business, he will hear that which thou sayest and will accept thine offerings.[2]
3. au tau neter-kua unnu
Giveth thy God existence.[3]
4. Pa neter aput pa maa
The God will judge the right.[4]
5. utennu neter-ku sau-tu er na betau-tuf
In offering to thy God guard thou against the things which He abominateth.
[1. Amélineau, La Morale, p. 13.
2. Ibid., p. 36.
3 Ibid., p. 103.
4 Ibid., p. 138.]
{p. lxxxviii}
Views held in the XVIIIth dynasty.
a ennu maat-k er paif sexeru qentet emtuk
O behold with thine eye His plans. Devote thyself
senenti-tu ent ren-f su tat baiu heh en aaru
to adore His name. It is He who giveth souls to millions of forms,
se-aaaua pa enti seaaaua-f ar neter ta pen
and He magnifieth whosoever magnifieth him. Now the God of this earth
en pa Suu her xut du nai-f matui
is the sun who is the ruler of the horizon, [and] his similitudes are
her tep ta tata-tha neter sentra em kai-set emment
upon earth is given incense with their food offerings to these daily.[1]
6. faau-s aaui-set en pa neter emtuf setemu
If she (i.e., thy mother) raiseth her hands to God, he will hear
her prayers[2] [and rebuke thee].
7. amma su en pa neter sauu-k su emment en
Give thyself to God, keep thou thyself daily for
pa neter au tuauu ma qeti pa haru
God; and let to-morrow be as to-day.[3]
[1. Amélineau, La Morale, p. 141.
2. Ibid., p. 149.
3 Ibid., p. 172.]
{p. lxxxix}
God and the gods.
The passages from the pyramid of Pepi show at once the difference between neter as God, and the "gods" neteru; the other passages, which might be multiplied almost indefinitely, prove that the Being spoken of is God. The neteru or "gods" whom Unas hunted, and snared, and killed, and roasted, and ate, are beings who could die; to them were attributed bodies, souls, ka's, spiritual bodies, etc. In a remarkable passage from the CLIVth Chapter of the Book of the Dead (Naville, Todtenbuch, Bd. I., Bl. 179, l. 3) the deceased king Thothmes III. prays:--
seset-kua emxet-k Tem huau ma ennu ari-k
Preserve me behind thee, O Tmu, from decay such as that which thou workest
er meter neb netert nebt er aut neb er t'etfet neb
for god every, and goddess every, for animals all, for reptiles all
sebuit-f per ba-f emxet mit-f ha-f
for each passeth away when hath gone forth his soul after his death, he perisheth
emxet sebi-f
after he hath passed away.
The gods mortal.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
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