Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Vignette: A lake of fire, at each corner of which is seated a dog-headed ape.[1]
Rubric: (1) Osiris Ani, triumphant, is girt about with [fine] raiment, he is shod with (2)white sandals, and he is anointed with very precious anta ointment; and a bull, (3) and herbs, and incense, and ducks, and flowers, and ale, and cakes have been offered unto him. And behold, thou shalt limn upon a clean tile (4) the image of a table of offerings in clean colours, and thou shalt bury it in a field whereon (5) swine have not trampled. If this word then be written upon it, he himself shall rise again, (6) and his children's children shall flourish even as Ra flourisheth without ceasing. He shall dwell in favour (7) in the presence of the king among the chiefs, and cakes and cups of drink and portions of meat shall be given unto him upon the table (8) of the great god. He shall not be thrust from any door in Amentet; he shall travel on (9) together with the kings of the north and of the south, and he shall abide with the (10) followers of Osiris near unto Un-nefer, for ever, and for ever, and for ever.
Vignette: a Tet,[2]
[1. A somewhat similar scene forms the vignette to Chapter CXXVI., but in addition to the apes there are two uræi at each corner. The text reads: "Hail, ye four apes who sit in the bows of the boat of Ra, who make the right and truth of Neb-er-tcher to advance, who apportion unto me my weakness and my strength, who pacify the gods by the flame of your mouths, who give holy offerings unto the gods, and sepulchral meals of the tomb unto the shining ones, who feed upon right and truth, who are without falsehood, and who abominate wickedness. Destroy ye the evil which is in me, do away with mine iniquity, put away the wounds which I had upon earth, and destroy all wickedness which cleaveth unto me." [The apes say]: "Enter thou in and let nothing whatever oppose thee." "Grant ye that I may pass through the tomb, and that I may enter into Re-stau, and that I may go in through the hidden doors of the underworld, and that offerings and other things may be made unto me as unto those shining ones who pass into and out from the paths of the tomb, and who go through [the doors thereof].
2 The ### represents four pillars, i.e., the four quarters of heaven, or the whole universe. As a religious emblem it symbolizes the god Osiris. A fine collection of tets is exhibited in the Fourth Egyptian Room (Table-Case K, and Wall-Case, No. 114), and among them may be noted: No. 2097,.a blue glazed faïence pendent tet, with the horns, disk, and plumes No. 739, blue glazed faïence pendent tet, with five cross-bars, and No. 8260, lapis-lazuli pendent tet, with horns, disk, and plumes; No. 8275, carnelian tet; No. 8270, agate tet; No. 20,623, opaque blue glass tet inscribed with the name of its owner; No. 20,636, stone tet inlaid with lapis-lazuli, carnelian, plasma, and mother of emerald.]
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Text: [CHAPTER CLV.] (1) THE CHAPTER OF A TET OF GOLD: Osiris Ani, triumphant, saith: "Thou risest, O still heart! (2) Thou shinest, O still heart! Place thou thyself upon my side. I have come arid I have brought unto thee a tet of gold; rejoice thou in it."
Appendix: In the late recension of this chapter (Lepsius, Todtenbuch, Bl. 75) the rubric is divided into two parts, which read: "To be recited over a Tet of gold inlaid (?) in sycamore wood, and placed on the neck of the shining one; and he shall pass in through the doors of the underworld by the might of the words here spoken. It shall set him in his place on the day of the new year among the followers of Osiris.
"If this chapter be known by the deceased he shall become perfect in the underworld. He shall not be thrust back at the doors of Amentet; cakes and ale and meat offerings shall be offered unto him upon the altars of Ra, or (as some say) of Osiris Un-nefer; and he shall triumph over his foes in the underworld for ever and for ever."
Vignette: A buckle, or tie.
Saith Osiris Ani, triumphant: "The blood of Isis, the charms of Isis, (2) the power of Isis, are a protection unto me, the chief, and they crush that which I abhor."
Appendix: Rubric:[2] This chapter shall be said over a buckle of red jasper[3] (or carnelian) which hath been dipped in water of ankham flowers and inlaid in sycamore wood, and hath been placed on the neck of the shining one. If this chapter be inscribed upon it, it shall become the power of Isis, and it shall protect him; and Horus, the son of Isis, shall rejoice when he seeth it. No way shall be impassable to him, and one hand shall extend unto heaven, and the other unto earth. If this chapter be known [by the
[1. The Nebseni papyrus adds the words, "to be placed near the neck of this shining one."
2. See Maspero, Mémoire sur Quelques Papyrus du Louvre, p. 8.
3. The amulet of the buckle is usually made of carnelian, red jasper, red porphyry, red glass, or red faïence, but examples in grey and black stone and wood are also known at times it was made entirely of gold, but it was frequently set in gold only. Large wooden models of the buckle were placed in the wooden hands which were fastened on the breasts of coffins; they usually lay upon the left breast, and the tee on the right. In the fine collection of buckles in the British Museum the following are of interest: No. 20,641, pendent buckle of red glass inscribed with the Chapter of the Buckle No. 20,621, black stone pendent buckle, with hollow loop, inscribed with the Chapter of the Buckle; No. 20,646, grey stone buckle inscribed ###. No. 20,619, red glass (?) buckle set in a gold frame, and inscribed with a few words of the Chapter of the Buckle, and the name of Aah-mes the scribe; No. 8258, mottled glass buckle having the loop inlaid with blue composition; No. 8259, red faïence double buckle, pierced lengthwise for threading in a necklace.]
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deceased] he shall be among those who follow Osiris Un-nefer, triumphant. The gates of the underworld shall be opened unto him, and a homestead shall be given unto him, together with wheat and barley, in the Sekhet-Aaru; and the followers of Horus who reap therein shall proclaim his name as one of the gods who are therein.
Vignette: A heart.
Text: [CHAPTER XXIXB.]. (1) THE CHAPTER OF A HEART OF CARNELIAN. Saith Osiris Ani, triumphant: "I am the Bennu, the soul of Ra, and the guide of the gods into (2) the underworld. The souls come forth upon earth to do the will of their ka's, and the soul of Osiris Ani cometh forth to do the will of his ka."
Vignette: A head-rest.
Text: [CHAPTER CLXVI.] (I) THE CHAPTER OF THE PILLOW WHICH IS PLACED UNDER THE HEAD OF OSIRIS ANI, TRIUMPHANT, TO WARD OFF WOES FROM THE DEAD BODY OF OSIRIS. (2) [Ani saith]: "Lift up thy head to the heavens, for I have knit thee together triumphantly. Ptah hath overthrown his foes and thine; all his enemies have fallen, and they shall never more rise up again, O Osiris."

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